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corgi puppies for adoption

I hope you have room in your heart for a puppy like me. I will be sure to give lots of love, and I'd sure hope to get lots of it in return! Since the day I was born I have been getting ready to come home to you and I am already so excited knowing that I'll be with you soon. I'm will arrive vet checked so I am healthy too, I promise! I hope to be seeing you soon!

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corgi puppies for adoption

Home raised corgi puppies for sale. 1-year Health Guarantee On A Written Contract • Up-to-date Vaccinations/record • Deworming • Microchip • Potty Trained • Health Certificate • Life Time Support From Over 21 Years Experience From Vet Technician. . Health certificate .AKC registered Message us directly for more info if interested.

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corgis for adoption

I hope you have room in your heart for a puppy like me. I will be sure to give lots of love, and I'd sure hope to get lots of it in return! Since the day I was born I have been getting ready to come home to you and I am already so excited knowing that I'll be with you soon. I'm will arrive vet checked so I am healthy too, I promise! I hope to be seeing you soon!

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Welsh Corgi puppies for adoption

Home Raised corgi puppies Puppies for sale ❤️❤️ Veterinarian examination, ✅ Puppy Crate Trained ✅ Health certificate, ✅ Health guarantee, ✅ Pedigree, ✅ Travel crate, ✅ 📑...Registered,✅ 💪...Healthy and ready to go,✅ 💉...Vaccinated & Dewormed✅ SHIPPING IS AVAILABLE (Very Safe and Reliable)✅ We always promise 📍Highest Quality, 2 years health guarantee. 📍All Puppies take strict health test by Vet. 📍More reasonable price than others.

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